October 31, 2007

Where does Daddy work?

Apparently I need to do a lesson on where Dave works. When Caleb got up from his nap today, he asked, as he always does, "Daddy
home?" I said no, Daddy is at work. Caleb's response...."Home Depot?" They go there a lot. Can you tell?

Daddy works at Starbucks

First, the backdrop to this story is that Dave often does work preparing messages or planning at Starbucks. So, this morning as he was leaving Mikaela asked where he was going. He told her he was going to work. She responded by saying, "at Starbucks?". He said no to the church, and off he went. I was curious by her response, and figured she was still half asleep. So I asked her a few more questions. I said Mikaela, "Do you think Daddy really works at Starbucks?" She said yes. At this point, I'm still thinking she knows he goes there to work on his computer. So then I ask her a question to be silly, totally not expecting her response. I ask her if she thinks Daddy serves coffee at Starbucks. To my surprise she says "yes". All this time when she heard Daddy's going to go do work at Starbucks, she really thought working there. How funny! The mind of a kid is so literal!

October 30, 2007

Not So Yucky

Mikaela has been needing to take tylenol lately. I kept telling her it would not be so bad. I tried to convince her that the bubble gum flavored chewable ones that I got would not be as bad as the liquid that she is used to. She was not buying it. Dave in his usual brillance told her that if she put her finger in one ear it would not be so bad. We've had great results ever since!

October 12, 2007


The girls started a soccer class today. They had so much fun. The program is so great. You get a group of people together, pick your time and location, and they send someone to teach your class for you. Our coach is so good with the kids. Coach Ben came up with lots of great games and all the kids seemed to really enjoy it. Here are some pics from our first day. I love the team huddle picture. Notice Caleb standing on the edge. He thinks he is in the class. Sorry bud, still a little too young. I also love the way Alethea and Mikaela are arm and arm. Sweet!


The other night we had a hair cutting party. Alethea, Mikaela, and Caleb were in desperate need of haircuts. Dave always has this task. He is actually very good. There was a time when he cut my hair too. Anyway, here is his idea of a funny joke. Caleb comes into the room where I am waiting and says "look mommy".