March 20, 2009

Caleb's 4th Birthday

Bubba turned 4 yesterday. It was a pretty low key day since Dave is gone on the pastor's retreat. We will be celebrating this weekend while at Deep Creek. Dave asked me not to do too much because he wanted to be included in all the festivities so I decided to take Caleb for donuts at Krispy Kreme. I had planned to take him in and let him choose whichever one he wanted. Well, my plans were foiled when he fell asleep on the way there, at 10:00 in the morning! I guess being four takes a lot of work! So, instead I went through the drive thru. When we got home, I tried to make eating a donut as special as possible. I put four candles in his donut and sang Happy Birthday to him. That seemed to make him happy. Sarah was happy to be included in the donut eating. I'll try to have lots more pictures from our weekend away! Oh, the best line of the day from Caleb was, "My legs are longer now that I'm four." Too cute. I love my Bubba.


Lisa @ Eat.Pray.Run. said...

too cute! how funny about the "longer legs"--grace said she thought her hands looked bigger on her 5th bday, so caleb has that to look forward to next year--HA!

Kelley Murphy said...

Aaah! They're all getting so OLD! Fortunately, Jen, you haven't aged a bit, so it's all good. Happy Birthday, Bubba!