June 16, 2008

Catching Up

I'll start with Sarah because I know that's of the most interest right now. Sarah saw her oncologist last week and after seeing her, he decided to wait another two weeks before trying to taper her steroids again. I think he would like to see a little more stability before we try again. She is doing well and we are enjoying seeing more of her personality coming out. She loves, loves, loves playing with her brother and sisters, but I think her favorite is wrestling with Daddy. I love hearing her belly laugh when he gives her "the claw". If you would pray for us this week. This is a treatment week and we will be spending two days at Hopkins.

Caleb got a scooter recently. I know I'm a little biased, but I think he's the cutest boy ever!!!

The girls took a dance class this spring through the rec department, thanks to my mom and dad. As you can see they had a very small class! It was a good intro into doing things outside the church.

Thanks to my mom again, we were able to go on the last field trip of the year to Claude Moore Colonial Farm. The kids had a great time carding wool, candle dipping, playing games, pounding corn, and being with their friends. It was really wet and muddy outside so their favorite part was getting to wear their rain boots.

One more fun little thing. We have a little nature preserve at our house. A few weeks ago we found some duck eggs under a spruce tree in our front yard, and the next week my neighbor came and told us we had a baby fawn up the hill in our back yard. I was able to go up and get some pictures before the mom came back for her baby. The kids have really enjoyed all the animals that our yard attracts.

Our last bit of big news is that we will be moving back to our townhouse in Gaithersburg sometime this summer. We decided that with everything going on with Sarah it would be best to be closer to our friends, and to put Alethea and Mikaela at Covenant Life School. They will be in first grade and kindergarden, and they are both VERY excited!! It was definitely a hard decision, but we are in faith for this big change. With all the time I spend with Sarah between Hopkins visits and therapists, we thought it would be pretty hard to homeschool both girls.


Briana Almengor said...

It's great to hear all about the "dailies" with the Brewers. Enjoy the rest of your days out in the "country". Seems like God is leading you well through this season that you neither anticipated nor prefer. Yet, it proving to show all that He has deposited in you in terms of Christ likeness. Will be praying for you this week w/ your two visits.

Anonymous said...

i think every decision you have to make these days is hard, but aren't you thankful for covenant life school? you are in a whirlwind i know, and reports from the docs cause new concerns...progress seems to be a back and forth road. i am thinking of you guys often, and glad to read news of your "normal" life....love, gretchen a.

Jean said...

You may be biased as his mother, but it is simply objective truth that Caleb is the cutest little boy ever. I keep smiling thinking of some funny one-liners he said when he was here with me yesterday. What a treat for me to get to share them with you. Thanks!

The Glabs said...

What a great update. We continue to pray for Sarah and for all of the Brew-Crew. Welcome to CLS! My girls will love seeing your kiddos in the hallway. And, welcome back to Gaithersburg this summer. Hope to be able to serve you all as you move closer!
Kim and the Glab Gang

Kelley Murphy said...

i might argue over the cutest boy issue when Josh Jr. makes his appearance; until then, i agree with you! Praying as always!

Georgia said...

Wow- you have so much going on! We contnue to pray for you all! I love seeing the pictures and hearing about all the updates! Please know we pray for you daily and send good thoughts your way>