We spent Tuesday afternoon in pediatric post op after Sarah had her MRI. It took her a while to wake up from the heavy drugs they gave her...so she slept on her mommy for a few hours. She got sick a couple times from the anesthesia, but all in all, the procedure went well. She was in the MRI area for 3 hrs, while they did multiple MRIs checking for the existence of any other tumors.
We will be meeting with the Pediatric surgeon this morning at 9am to discuss the results of the MRI. We are praying for a good report!
Praying for you each day, throughout the day!
Told Keenan last night and we began praying with him for Sarah before he goes to bed as well.
Praying and thinking of you often...
may an awareness of the Lord's "peace that passes all understanding" be with you in this meeting today.
Love you guys!
The Russells
Dave, Jen and Family,
We are praying for you ...
Much grace to you today.
The Herr Family
Thinking of you ALL and praying everything goes well today!
Stay strong Sarah Faith!
Dawn, Mike & Tyler
Praying constantly for you!
We are constantly praying for you all...praying for Sarah has become something that we do several times a day, everyday. Whenever the girls pray for anything, Sarah is always included in the prayer. May the Lord give you peace that is supernatural...only the kind that comes from Him. Allyson wants me to write that "Allyson and Charissa and Evan miss you!!"
In Christ,
Young, Grace, Allyson, Charissa and Evan
We are praying for you guys continuously! Find mercy and Grace at the Lord's feet he will bring you comfort during this trial. Love you guys!
The Conners
I recieved this link from a comment on our blog: www.loneliesthour.org. It is a resource for newly diagnosed Neuroblastoma families. Hope that's a helpful resources.
Praying for you!
I thought of you all at 8:30am (central time) this morning and was hoping you were in the midst of hearing good news from the Dr's. Continuing to pray for peace and comfort for you all. Love, Lisa (Jeremy, Grace & Weston too)
Oh sweet, baby girl....you are being held by the loving arms of your mom and dad and even more importantly, the Strong, capable, loving arms of your Heavenly Father...there simply is no better place to be.
Praying for you all so often throughout the day.
Praying for you guys daily!
Brew Crew:
I just wanted to let you know that you are being prayed for a lot! My two English writing classes (which is 19 students combined) prayed for you all this week. May God work in mighty ways for His glory!
Beth T.
Hi, stopping by to say hello. I was wondering if you have been told that Sarah has Opsoclonus Myoclonus?
What stage is she?
Love, Ellen~Sean's Mom
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