June 28, 2008

Fun Week

This past week was so much fun. Crazy, but fun! Alethea participated in summer celebration. at church. She had so much fun. There were many times that I was overwhelmed with gratefulnes, to the point of tears, that my kids have this opportunity. While Alethea was at church, Mikaela participated in a dance camp. It was so great. Mikaela and Alethea don't do much apart, so it was a good opportunity for her. A girl from our church had the idea to do this for the younger siblings who are not old enough to go to summer celebration yet.

At the end of this week, we went to a Nationals vs Orioles game with some of the youth and their families from the church. We were all decked out in our Orioles gear. The kids had lots of fun playing with friends, eating peanuts, and what else, eating blue cotton candy!!

Where was Sarah during all this? She was such a trooper. She was toted all around to the camps, throw in two therapy sessions and a check up at Hopkins, she was busy too. She ended her week with a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Nothing much has changed with her treatments. During her check up this week I learned that the plan is to have her off steroids by January. It will obviously be a very slow taper.

We are getting geared up for moving. The girls living in our townhouse are moving out this weekend, so we will begin getting the house ready for us to move in. We are looking forward to being back near friends and close to the church.


Georgia said...

Your family is so beautiful- I love the photos! Glad you guys had some fun "normal" time as a family! We continue to pray!

Briana Almengor said...

I'm so glad to read of how God is blessing you with these great family times and that Sarah is holding up well. Continuing to pray for her and now will pray for your upcoming move!