February 7, 2009

All Clear

From the doctor- Sarah's MRI read is final today: No evidence of tumor. We are grateful to God for this result. Just wanted you all to know. As always, thanks for praying for our family.


Jerusha said...

Awesome news, I am rejoicing with you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! A huge milestone for her, for you, for all of us in the cheering squad. Time for Coldstone!

megan haughery said...

wonderful news! God is so faithful...

Briana Almengor said...

That is great! Thanks for letting us know.

The Glabs said...

Yay! Such great news --- such a faithful God. Amen!

Helen said...

praise God! love you all!

Chris said...

What wonderful news! Praise God!

Georgia said...

How wonderful! Thanks for keeping us all up to date! Sending love and prayers your way!

Unknown said...

So grateful for such great news!

Anonymous said...

That is great new Jen!!! Wow...I'm so happy!