March 20, 2008

So far so good...

We have wireless access at Hopkins, so we can update the blog as we walk through this process. This is a picture of the little room that we'll be spending so much time in! Sarah is hooked up to the IV so we really can't do much but sit and try to entertain her as much as possible.

Sarah is 3 hours into her 1st round of treatment. She is getting something called IVIG, which is typically an 8 hr infusion. There are often side effects at the time of infusion, with typical reactions ranging from spiked fevers to high blood pressure. So, they monitor her vitals every 30 minutes to make sure her body is taking the drugs. If her body continues to accept the drugs, we may be able to get out of hear in a little less than 8 hrs.


Matt said...

So glad to hear she is doing well. We are praying for you today!!

Briana Almengor said...

WOW...what a long time to sit there. Gotta say (even though it seems a bit trivial at the moment) that I love your new hair color. :) I'm still waiting to hear if I have help w/ Judah tomorrow. If so, I'll give you a call to see if I can drop by to see you. Praying continually for you, Sarah and the whole family.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys!! May you have grace and patience to get through these long days ahead. God is good in everything.
Love the Conners